C U R R I C U L U M . V I T A E
BORN: 30.10.1975 in Zabrze (Poland)
ADRESS: Olbrachtowska 28/17, 54-063 Wrocław, Poland
PHONE: +48 888 898611, +49 163 1802704
EMAIL: L@Lisow.ski
1997 – 2006 University of Applied Sciences Gießen-Friedberg (Germany)
Graduation: Engineer of Physical Technologies, Focus: Laser Technologies
1994 – 1996 Technical College, Civil Engineering (Nidda, Germany)
1989 – 1994 Secondary School (Nidda, Germany)
1982 – 1988 Primary School (Zabrze, Poland)
CV Online: cv.Lisow.ski
LinkedIn Profile – https://www.linkedin.com/in/%C5%82ukasz-lisowski-88493ab3/
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